Friday, July 20, 2018

Today was the last day of GAETI 2018. We presented our final projects and songs today. I enjoyed GAETI very much this year

Thursday, July 19, 2018

We began this morning with college and career readiness skills. It is important to prepare students for college, work, and life. By doing this, teachers fill in the gaps for students to become productive and informed citizens in society. After college and career reediness standards, we moved onto urban instruction using technology.  Socrative, Kahoot, quizbizz, are some good websites to use to help students learn. We rapped the day with a session on vocabulary study.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The main focus of today was Microsoft publisher,  fake news, and ancestry websites. This morning the library presented how to create a poster using Microsoft publisher. After that, we moved on to a presentation on how to differentiate between fake news sources and reliable sources. After lunch, we attended a presentation on the different types of websites that can help you with genealogy. Then we concluded the day by tracing our scene backgrounds to the wood we painted yesterday, and began painting the backgrounds.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Today we talked about how to use music to as a classroom management tool. We also went over a few practical classroom management ideas to use in our classrooms.